Release Notes

Redesigning Peridio: Simplicity, Control, and Visibility for Device Management

Peridio's UI redesign balances innovation and reliability to streamline IoT device management. Explore how our new interface and architectural updates lay the foundation for a more intuitive, efficient future.

At Peridio, we've been on a mission to revolutionize connected device management, empowering companies with a platform to securely manage devices from the smallest firmware update to the largest software release. It's a complex domain fraught with high-stakes - when an update goes wrong, it can have serious business consequences.

That's why we knew it was time to take a step back and re-envision our user experience from the ground up. Over the past several months, our product and engineering teams have been hard at work overhauling the Peridio UI to deliver an experience that provides unprecedented control and visibility while still being dead simple to use.

Balancing Innovation and Reliability

As a platform with a loyal customer base, we knew we had to strike a careful balance. On one hand, we saw immense opportunity to introduce new functionality that would give device fleet operators unparalleled control and insight. On the other hand, we couldn't afford to compromise the core reliability and ease-of-use our customers depend on.

Our approach? A phased rollout that allowed us to gradually introduce new architectural concepts, giving us the flexibility to innovate while maintaining a stable foundation. We coupled this with a renewed focus on customer feedback - meticulously documenting requests and pain points so that we could address the most impactful opportunities first.

Simplicity Meets Control

One of our core themes for this redesign was the idea of "simplicity meets control" - in other words, how could we streamline and simplify complex processes while still providing users granular control when they need it?

You'll see this concept manifested throughout the new Peridio UI. We've introduced collapsible panels that allow users to surface the most critical information first while still being able to drill down into the details. We've streamlined flows for common tasks like device quarantining and rollbacks. And we've reorganized navigation and filters to bubble up the most relevant views.


The result is an interface that transforms the complexities of fleet management into a simple, intuitive process. With the new Peridio UI, customers can quickly diagnose issues, rollback malfunctioning devices, and manage their fleet with total peace of mind. And that peace of mind, in turn, becomes a catalyst for innovation - with a trusted platform behind them, customers are free to focus on what's next.

Information Access and Visualization

Another key pillar of this update was the idea of information access and visualization. We knew that our customers were hungry for more insight into their device fleets, but the sheer volume of data made it challenging to surface relevant trends and anomalies.

In the new Peridio UI, we're introducing a suite of advanced visualizations and dashboards that bring unprecedented visibility to fleet operations. Customers will be able to quickly spot devices that are behaving abnormally, correlate firmware versions with connectivity issues, and monitor the long-tail performance of their deployments.


By presenting this information in intuitive, visual formats, we're enabling a new class of data-driven decision making. And by restructuring navigation flows, we're enabling customers to find and act on this information faster than ever - to the tune of a 40% reduction in average task completion time.

An Extensible Foundation

While the flashy new UI enhancements may be what first catch the eye, some of the most impactful work in this release was behind the scenes. We've re-architected key components of the Peridio platform to be more modular, extensible, and performant.

This work, while not always immediately visible, lays a critical foundation for Peridio's future. With a more flexible architecture in place, our team will be able to ship new features and enhancements faster than ever before. We'll be able to experiment more easily, gathering customer feedback and iterating in real-time.

Already, this architectural work has enabled us to queue up a series of quick-win enhancements post-launch - things like more granular user permissions, advanced device grouping functionality, and extended API support for custom integrations. So while this release may feel like a major milestone (and it is!), in many ways it's just the beginning.

Simplicity, Control, Visibility

As we prepare to put this new interface into the hands of our customers, the feelings of excitement are palpable. Peridio has always been a special product, but with this overhaul, it truly feels like we're ushering in a new era - one defined by simplicity, control, and visibility.

To our customers, we want to extend a heartfelt thanks. Your candid feedback, steady support, and ambitious visions for the future of connected devices have been our north star throughout this journey. We can't wait to see what you unlock and discover with these new capabilities.

And to those device fleet operators out there who haven't yet experienced the power of Peridio - there's never been a better time to dive in. We'd love to give you a tour of the new interface and learn more about your needs - just drop us a line.
