
2024 - July Changelog

This month's updates focus on enhancing remote access, table functionalities, metadata management, and UI/UX improvements across Peridio.

This month's updates focus on enhancing remote access, table functionalities, metadata management, and UI/UX improvements across Peridio. Key highlights include:

  • Remote Access: Tunnels can now have extendable time-to-live and be asynchronously set up.
  • Table Enhancements: Bulk selection across pages, CSV export, new cohort device count column, clickable rows, and improved checkbox styling.
  • Binary Metadata: Custom metadata now supports inheritance and overrides, allowing for more granular control across artifacts, versions, and binaries.
  • Device Updates: Real-time download progress visualization for WebSocket-enabled devices and improved firmware metadata display.
  • UI Improvements: Responsive device action buttons and enhanced tag management for a smoother user experience.
  • Fixes: Addressed issues with pin-entry confirmation, table pagination, cohorts table loading, and more.

Read on for more details.

Remote Access

  • Extendable tunnels: tunnels can have their time-to-live extended.
  • Async tunnels: tunnels are no longer required to be E2E setup within the lifetime of the request for a tunnel, devices are free to setup requested tunnels at their leisure, until they are closed.


Recent table improvements include enhanced bulk selection across pages, CSV export support for all tables, a new device count column for cohorts, clickable rows, linked associations, truncated PRNs for quick reference, "NULLS LAST" sorting for columns, and improved checkbox styling.

  • Select all across pages: enhanced bulk select so that bulk operations can operate across all pages of a result set.
    • This automatically enhances all existing bulk actions to be even more powerful. For example for devices: mass tag, cohort, and quarantine re-assignment can now happen across all pages of a result set.
  • Export as csv: all tables now support exporting result sets as CSV files, regardless of whether they are filtered by a query or are bulk selected across pages.
  • Cohort devices: add a device count column to cohorts table.
  • Clickable rows: rows may be directly clicked to view their details.
  • Linked associations: related resources are now rendered as blue clickable links, and this styling is consistent across the console even outside of tables.
  • Tiny PRNs: PRNs are now always shown, first, in a truncated format that facilitates quick comparison and copying.
  • Nulls last: sorting columns in tables defaults to “NULLS LAST” sorting.
  • Checkbox styling: table checkbox styling more clearly conveys affordances.


Binary Metadata

Custom metadata is arbitrary data that ultimately is immutable associated per-binary within a bundle. From the cloud’s perspective it is informational, but from the device’s perspective, it can be used for a variety of use cases including directly controlling installation processes or otherwise providing last-mile instructions.

Custom metadata works on a system of inheritance, overrides, and immutability. At the time of bundle creation custom metadata is immutably stamped into the bundle per binary. What the value of that is can be supplied in that moment, or inherited through binaries, artifact versions, and artifacts.

  • Artifacts: custom metadata can be set on artifacts.
  • Artifact versions: custom metadata can be set on artifact versions to override what may have been inherited from artifacts.
  • Binaries: custom metadata can be set on binaries to override what may have been inherited from artifact versions.
  • Bundles: custom metadata can be supplied alongside binaries during bundle creation to override what may have been inherited from binaries.

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Tag Management

  • Tag/select components: improved the UI/UX of tag/select components.

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Device Download Progress

  • Download progress: for WebSocket enabled devices, download progress can be streamed in real-time and visualized in the web console for both binaries and firmware.

Firmware Metadata

  • Device details: firmware metadata is now displayed when viewing a device details view.

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Device Action Buttons

  • Responsive UI: the action buttons for device’s (archive, edit, etc.) have been updated with improved responsiveness.

Device Update Response

  • Binary targets: binaries’ target field is now included in Device API get-update responses.


  • Saving releases: pin-entry confirmation sometimes failed to display entries.
  • Table pagination: when viewing an artifact, its artifact versions table sometimes would fail to paginate and filter correctly.
  • Cohorts table: when viewing cohorts, results would sometimes fail to load.
  • Stale target advice: when creating a product, remove stale advice regarding binary target matching.
  • Post-save redirect: saving binaries from edit view should redirect to details view.
  • Icon swap: some buttons used incorrect icons.